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Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic,Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Pediatric Chiropractor, Baby Chiro, Boise Chiropractor, Prenatal Chiropractor, Postnatal Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic,  


Pregnancy is a sacred time where your body transforms as your baby grows and develops. Pregnancy Chiropractic is an effective treatment plan that cares for the body's changes week by week, trimester by trimester.  BoDo Chiropractic looks to facilitate normal neurobiochemical function. Everything in your body from the uterus and cervix, to the muscles and heart, is interconnected by nerves. Research has proven that maintaining a healthy spine not only provides pain relief and a faster delivery for you, but also helps your baby develop to his or her maximum potential.


Add comfort for you and comfort for your baby, too.

Pregnancy chiropractic care is an essential ingredient to your prenatal care. A large percent of pregnant women experience back discomfort/pain during pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and an interference to your body's normal structural adaptations to that growth. Preexisting, unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis become overtaxed during these times. The added stress leads to discomfort and difficulty while performing routine, daily activities. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent common discomforts experienced in pregnancy. Specific adjustments eliminate these stresses in your spine, restore balance to your pelvis and result in greater comfort and lifestyle improvements.


As your baby develops, your uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth. So as long as the pelvis is in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalized, supportive suspension for the uterus. If your pelvis is out of balance in any way, these ligaments become torqued and twisted, causing a condition known as constrain to your uterus. This constraint limits the space of the developing baby. Any compromised position for the baby throughout the pregnancy will affect his or her optimal development. Conditions such as torticollis occur because a baby's space was cramped in the uterus.


If the woman's uterus is constrained as birth approaches, the baby is prevented from getting into the best possible position for birth. Even if the baby is in the desirable head down position, oftentimes constraint to the uterus affects the baby's head from moving into the ideal presentation for delivery. The head may be slightly tilted off to one side or even more traumatically, preset in the posterior position. Any baby position even slightly off during birth will slow down labor, and add pain to both the mother and baby. Many women have been told that their babies were too big, or labor "just slowed down" when it was really the baby's presentation interfering with the normal process and progression. Avoidable interventions are implemented turning a natural process into an operative one. Chiropractors work specifically with your pelvis throughout pregnancy, restoring a state of balance and creating an environment for an easier, safer delivery.


we have served expecting mommas  facing many challenges, such as:

Low back pain

Pubic/pelvic pain

Round ligament pain
Hip pain
Tailbone pain Pubic/Pelvic pain
Rib pain
Piriformis syndrome 

Miscarriage & loss

Morning Sickness
Gestational Diabetes
Hormonal imbalance
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

IVF/IUI Surrogate mothers

 Homebirth Support 

Breech or transverse position
Birth trauma
Cesarean section preparation and healing
Scheduled inductions 

Birth center support


Dr. Jen, Dr. Kyle, Dr. Rae and Dr. julie all specialize in the Webster Technique.

This technique is a gentle way to allow babies to naturally move into the correct birthing position by realigning the sacrum. Realignment often relieves the pull that creates the tension in the uterus, creating the necessary space for your baby to flip. Additionally, when you are free of pelvic and sacral subluxations, your nervous system function may be significantly enhanced and the birth canal’s diameter may be maximized, decreasing your chances of difficult labor and additional complications during delivery.  This technique involves no external forces on the baby directly, and it is extremely safe and comfortable. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, have just begun your pregnancy journey, or are in the last few weeks of your pregnancy, we would love to help you welcome the newest member of your family into the world.  


postnatal CARE

Often called the 4th trimester, the transitional postnatal period is a sacred time, filled with joy and love, overwhelmedness and exhaustion. As your body slowly heals from the demanding process of birthing your new child, there are numerous more demands placed on you, including nursing. We reconnect Moms after birth for optimal neuro–spinal connection, allowing the body to heal efficiently.  We always encourage the whole family to get adjusted during this period to both adapt and de-stress. 


With the arrival of a new baby, patients undergo many exciting lifestyle changes...

Between adjusting to an entirely new sleep and unfamiliar schedule, bonding with your new baby, and diving into the uncertainties of parenthood—this time can be equal parts thrilling and overwhelming at the same time. In the mix of it all, it can be all too easy for mothers to neglect the very wellness strategies that brought them great success throughout their pregnancy. Necessities such as getting an adequate amount of sleep, personal time, and taking care of your body seem to, overnight, transform into luxuries that take the back seat in life. However, implementing just a few intentional wellness strategies can set yourself up for success in your new season as a blossoming parent.


Women are quite familiar with the benefits that prenatal chiropractic care can yield—relieving low back pain and pelvic tension, allowing for proper fetal positioning, and even relieving symptoms of nausea, leg swelling, leg numbness, and reducing the length of labor and delivery time, to list a few. And while much time is spent to prepare for baby’s arrival, it is common for new parents to get so caught up in the demands of taking care of their new child that they neglect the very wellness strategies which brought them success throughout their pregnancy all together. 


From the time of pregnancy until about a year after a new baby is delivered, the hormone “relaxin” is in a woman’s body. Relaxin helps accommodate the demand that carrying a baby places on one’s bones and connective tissue of the mother. In the postpartum period, this hormone continues to impact a woman’s body—often creating a feeling of shakiness, which can make it challenging to walk and stand normally. As relaxin causes joints and ligaments to be rather malleable, this hormone can be used in profitable ways. One of which, is that it makes it easier to realign one’s body while receiving chiropractic care! Through getting your body adjusted back to its normal realm of functioning, you can dive back into your fitness regimen quickly and safely—helping you get fit and shed that baby weight in an efficient and healthy way.

we support new families by providing:

Assistance with Nursing posture to alleviate discomfort in upper back and neck
Easeful Breastfeeding techniques
More mobility by reconnecting the body after birthing 

Healing from Diastasis Recti

Improved mindset via deep breathing and stress relief
Support with the body’s biomechanical changes
Increased neural communication

Postpartum strengthening 

An easier healing process

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